The proposal for the new Piazza G. Carducci in Conegliano (Italy) envisions a sequence of diverse public spaces extending from the railway station to the Scalinata degli Alpini. Its open character aims to shape a new identity for the place through a design approach that promotes continuous, diverse, and inclusive use of space. The proposal emphasizes the axiality of the current Via Carducci, "redefining" the imaginary thread that connects the Accademia Theatre, the Scalinata degli Alpini, and the station building. Oriented towards a contemporary architectural language, the design strategy employs the following key elements:

  • The introduction of three new architectural structures, echoing Conegliano’s urban tradition (and the Italian tradition more broadly):

    • The Loggia, located in front of the station's main entrance, acts as a square within the square.

    • The Porta, a focal and iconic element of the Piazza, features a balcony offering unexpected views over Conegliano and its castle.

    • The Portico, both a connecting element and a space for different uses, enables and encourages diverse activities.

  • The reversible integration of seating and resting elements on the Scalinata degli Alpini, transforming it from a simple passageway into a privileged viewpoint overlooking the lively spectacle of the future Piazza Carducci.

  • The material, planimetric, and altimetric treatment of the paving.

  • The design of urban furniture.

Conegliano | Italy



7.500 sqm


Taksim Square Redevelopment


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