The design proposal for the new "A. Brustolon" Secondary School in Conegliano (Italy) aims to blend the new architecture with the city by introducing a porous, open, and public ground floor. The ground floor houses the public functions: the central agora with the library, the auditorium, the cafeteria, the administrative offices, and the laboratories. Daily flows transform the ground floor, and particularly the central agora, into a space bustling with students. The extreme versatility of this space also offers the city a new high-quality venue for cultural public events.

The distinctive features of the project are the two cantilivered volumes housing the classrooms, extending towards the school garden on one side and the city park on the other: two visual axes that establish a direct connection between the neighborhood’s two green areas. These two canopies become gathering spaces, encouraging student interaction even outdoors.

Another key element of the external layout is the rooftop basketball court, connected to the garden by an external staircase. This space serves a dual purpose: on one hand, it provides a public area dedicated to sports, freely accessible to the community even when the school is closed; on the other hand, it offers an additional outdoor space for physical education.

Conegliano | Italy



3.000 sqm


“Tagliabue” Kindergarten


Nursery School in Monza