The proposal for the Quarter masterplan in Trnava (Slovakia) is based on a Grid, an urban device designed to structure the city by organizing space. The Grid, aligned with the historical urban fabric, ensures a wide spectrum of architectural possibilities, allowing for a high degree of variation in scale, density, and function. This approach fosters a more diverse urban landscape, where different ways of living together can evolve organically over the long term. Additionally, the Grid enables the phased construction of the entire masterplan.
The Grid layout facilitates the clear separation of fast and slow mobility through the “Superblock” concept. The Superblocks, composed of 2×2 block units, are bordered by 20-meter-wide streets, where all traffic is diverted, forming the area's arterial network and connecting it to the existing city and infrastructure. Within the Superblocks, smaller internal streets (10 meters wide) are planted with greenery and closed to through traffic, allowing vehicle access only for residents, disabled people, and emergency or delivery services. As a result, these roads transform into safe, open public spaces designed for pedestrian use. Through this concept, the city aims to reclaim space for the community, enhance biodiversity, promote sustainable mobility, and foster social cohesion.
The generous size of each urban block not only accommodates diverse building typologies but also allows for a permeable block layout. At least 10% of each block's area is dedicated to public space, including playgrounds, sports areas, open-air markets, urban squares, green parks, urban agriculture zones, pavilions, and cultural spaces. These intimate pocket spaces, connected by pedestrian and cycling paths, make the city more porous and accessible — for both people and nature.
The Grid layout is intersected by a linear park, whose orientation echoes the alignment of the surrounding fields. Located at the heart of the masterplan, this 40-hectare Central Park will become the most significant green space in Trnava, attracting residents from across the city and beyond. A secondary linear green corridor, crossing the Central Park at its midpoint, connects the commercial and residential district in the north to the planned extension of Spartakovská Street. These extensive green areas will host sports and leisure facilities, accessible to both residents and the public.
Trnava | Slovakia
135 hectares